Mental Health Training and Consultancy
SUST is a Sheffield based network of trainers and consultants with lived experience of mental health problems.
We were formed in 2007 and all of the people involved in the group have lived experience of the issues we work on.
Membership is open to anyone with mental health support needs and we make decisions through group meetings and online networking.
SUST was set up to provide opportunities for people with lived experience to develop their skills in training, group facilitation and influence and participation.
We support the development of user run initiatives that maximise the chances of people receiving effective support that is tailored to individual need.
We seek to bring about change in the mental health system to ensure that it takes proper account of the needs and wishes of people with lived experience.
We support people to develop as trainers through the provision of training the trainers courses tailored to the needs of service users and carers.
We provide mental health and related training to people with lived experience, carers and workers from voluntary and statutory sector services and organisations.
We support the development of mental health self-help and peer support groups through providing advice to groups and support to group facilitators and members.
We provide opportunities for people with lived experience of mental health problems to engage in creative activities.
We support people to become meaningfully involved in influence and participation activities sponsored by other organisations.
Inclusion North
Research on direct payments and personal budgets.
Leeds Mental Health Advocacy Group / Speak For Yourself
Developing a ten week self-advocacy course for a user/survivor controlled self-advocacy group.
School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield
Producing a training resource on self-management of longer term depression as part of a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded project.
Sheffield Hallam University
Members of the Sheffield Hallam University Service User / Carer Monitoring Group.
Involvement in the recruitment of student mental health nurses and student nurses.
Teaching sessions at the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Sheffield SHIP
Supporting the formation and development of 12 user-led mental health self-help and support groups.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
Members of the SCIE Co-production Network.
Represented on the SCIE Co-production, Equalities and Human Rights Steering Group.
Involvement in the development and delivery of the SCIE Co-production Learning Programme for Staff.
Writing ‘Ten Top Tips for Commissioners: Commissioning Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) Services in England’.
Contributing to the SCIE resource on Commissioning Independent Advocacy under the Care Act.
Involvement (peer research) in the evaluation of the Oxfordshire County Council Co-production Programme.
Involvement in the co-production panel that contributed to the evaluation of the NHS England Integrated Personal Commissioning programme.
Voluntary Action Sheffield (VAS)
Delivery of SUST training sessions as part of the organisation’s Mental Health Training Programme.
SUST trainers delivered training as part of the main VAS Training Programme.
University of Sheffield Clinical Psychology Unit
Involvement in selection of candidates to the Doctor of Clinical Psychology Programme.
Involvement in clinical skills teaching.
Young Women’s Housing Project, Sheffield
Supporting survivors to develop a training programme on issues that affect young women who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing sexual abuse.